1.1 | Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering (MBB) Keywords: |
1.2 | Biological Effects & Dosimetry (MBE) Keywords: |
1.3 | Blood Flow Measurement (MBF) Keywords: |
1.4 | Contrast Agents (MCA) Keywords: |
1.5 | Elastography (MEL) Keywords: |
1.6 | Medical Imaging (MIM) Keywords: |
1.7 | Medical Image and Signal Processing (MIS) Keywords: |
1.8 | Medical Photoacoustics (MPA) Keywords: Optoacoustics |
1.9 | System & Device Design (MSD) Keywords: |
1.10 | Medical Tissue Characterization (MTC) Keywords: |
1.11 | Therapeutics, Hyperthermia & Surgery (MTH) Keywords: |
1.12 | Theranostics & Image Guidance in Therapy (MTN) Keywords: |
1.13 | Super-resolution Imaging (MSR) Keywords: |
2.1 | Acoustic Microfluidics (NAF) |
2.2 | Acoustic Imaging and Microscopy (NAI) |
2.3 | Acoustic Sensors (NAS) |
2.4 | General NDE Methods (NDE) |
2.5 | Energy Harvesting (NEH) |
2.6 | Flow Measurement (NFM) |
2.7 | Material & Defect Characterization (NMC) |
2.8 | Photoacoustics (NPA) |
2.9 | Process Control and Industrial Ultrasound (NPC) |
2.10 | Signal Processing (NSP) |
2.11 | Transducers: NDE and Industrial (NTC) |
2.12 | Underwater Acoustics (NUA) |
2.13 | Wave Propagation (NWP) |
2.14 | Structural Health Monitoring (NSH) |
3.1 | General Physical Acoustics (PGP) |
3.2 | Acoustic Tweezers and Particle Manipulation (PAT) |
3.3 | Nonlinear Acoustics (PNL) |
3.4 | High Power and Temperature effects (PTE) |
3.5 | Opto-Acoustics (POA) |
3.6 | Modelling and Inversion (PMI) |
3.7 | Phononics (PPN) |
3.8 | Thin Films (PTF) |
3.9 | Ultrasonic Motors & Actuators (PUM) |
3.10 | Non-Reciprocal Acoustics (PNR) |
4.1 | Acoustic Wave Filters (AWF) |
4.2 | Device Applications (ADA) |
4.3 | Device Modeling and Design (ADM) |
4.4 | Materials and Propagation (AMP) |
4.5 | Microacoustic Resonators (AMR) |
4.6 | Microacoustic Sensors (AMS) |
4.7 | Novel Microacoustic Devices (ANM |
5.1 | Piezoelectric and Other Materials (TPM) |
5.2 | Modeling and Simulation (TMS) |
5.3 | Thin and Thick Piezoelectric Films (TFT) |
5.4 | Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (TMU) |
5.5 | Biomedical Diagnostic and Imaging Transducers (TMI) |
5.6 | Biomedical Therapeutic Transducers (TTT) |
5.7 | Front-end and Integrated Electronics (THF) |
5.8 | Integrated Electronics and Systems (TIS) |
5.9 | Applications of Piezoelectrics and Ferroelectrics (TPF) |