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Final Proceedings Paper Submission

Final Submission Deadline: September 26, 2022

The proceedings are the official citable document that will be uploaded to IEEE Xplore, and submitted to Web of Science and Scopus databases. The proceedings is the official record of your contribution to the 2022 IUS. Abstracts are not uploaded to IEEE Xplore. Submission of proceedings is expected but not mandatory.

All submitted articles will undergo plagiarism and pre-screen checks in accordance with IEEE policy.

Minimum expected proceedings length is 2 pages excluding references. Overlength charges of $125/page apply to articles beyond 4 pages in length (10 pages for invited authors). Please reach out to Brianna Orr to complete this payment.

Steps for creating your Xplore compliant PDF file:
1. Create your manuscript
2. Proofread and check layout of manuscript. (It is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to PDF eXpress.)
3. Create PDF eXpress account
4. Upload source file(s) for Conversion; and/or PDF(s) for Checking
5. Use PDF eXpress to attain Xplore-compatible PDFs. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints.

IMPORTANT: After finishing with the PDF eXpress web site, return to this website to submit your final, Xplore-compatible PDF(s) on the IUS 2022 Submission site at

Using PDF eXpress:
1. Click link to go to the PDF eXpress web site.
2. Once at the PDF eXpress web site, create a new account by clicking on “New Users – Click Here” link.
3. Enter 54386X for the Conference ID
4. Continue to enter information as prompted. You will receive an email confirming the successful creation of your account.
5. Through your PDF eXpress account, you may submit your source application files for conversion to PDF, and/or submit PDFs for checking. You will have the opportunity to revise your submission if you are not satisfied with the PDF that PDF eXpress creates for you, if you find mistakes in your manuscript, or if your PDF fails the PDF Check.
Technical support via email is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF: [email protected]

IEEE Copyright Notice

If authors would like to post their papers electronically on any website, any ftp site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material. 

IEEE Copyright Form

Each accepted contribution to IUS must be accompanied by a signed electronic copyright Form. The copyright form should be filled out and signed by one author, preferably the primary author. This will be completed through the EPapers submission site before the author submits their final paper.

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