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Dr. Kristen Brosnan

Dr. Kristen Brosnan joined Superior Technical Ceramics as the Technology Director in June 2020, with focus on delivering new ceramic technologies in the semiconductor, energy, defense, aerospace and instrumentation markets. Prior to her role at STC, Dr. Brosnan was the Technology Manager for Metals & Ceramics at team at GE Research, with focus on delivering high temperature materials technology for industrial gas turbines, including critical new alloys, ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) etc.. Dr. Brosnan currently serves as a Board Member for the Materials Research Society (MRS) and as Chair of the Basic Science Division for the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Dr. Brosnan received her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and M.S. & Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. Dr Brosnan is a Fellow of ACerS, and a member of MRS and the Society of Women Engineers.

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