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Elsa Angelini

Elsa D. Angelini (IEEE SM’12) is an Associate Professor at Telecom Paris (France) in the Dpt of Image-Data-Signal and co-lead of the ITMAT Data Science Group within the Faculy of Medicine at Imperial College London (UK), funded by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre. She is also an adjunct researcher and co-director of the Heffner Biomedical Imaging Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University (USA).

She received a B.Sc. degree in engineering from Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), a MSc and PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from Columbia University (NY, USA), and her French habilitation in 2011.

She has served multiple roles for the IEEE EMB society: Chair of the TMI and ISBI steering committees, Vice-President for the Technical Activities (2017-19), General Chair of the ISBI’15 conference, Finance Chair of the ISBI’19 conference, Keynote program co-chair of ISBI’21, chair of the Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing (BIIP) Technical Committee (2013-15), associate Editor (AE) for IEEE TBME and JBHI, regular AE for the ISBI conference, Co-chair of the EMBS Summer School on Biomedical Imaging (since 2018), inaugural Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal EMB.

She was also a PC member for several MICCAI conferences, co-chair (2016-19) of the SPIE Medical-Imaging sub-Conference on Image Processing and is a founding Executive Editor of the Biomedical Imaging journal (Cambridge Univ. Press).

Her research interests focus on bio and medical image computing for multiple modalities, along with machine-learning on imaging, electronic health records, and omics data for patient stratification, outcome prediction, disease scoring and subtyping.

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