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Enrico Grisan

Enrico Grisan (M ’08, SM ’18) is Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University (UK) and Assistant Professor at the University of Padova (Italy). Dr. Grisan received a MSc in Electrical Engineering from University of Padova, and a PhD in biomedical engineering jointly from City University London and University of Padova.

His research interests include the analysis of biomedical images, and the design of computer-aided diagnosis tools, with particular interest in ultrasound image analysis to characterize morphological alterations in the main vessels, and to discover microvascular flow patterns that are relevant for the diagnosis of diseases (tumours, arthritis).

He is a member of the IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, and he has been in the program committee of IEEE CBMS conference, associate editor for IEEE ISBI and IEEE EMBC, general chair of IEEE ISBI 2019, and he is finance chair for IEEE ISBI 2023.

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