Lori Bridal
Lori Bridal is a Research Director in the French National Research Center (CNRS) and the Director of the Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging (Sorbonne University, Inserm & CNRS) in Paris, France developing biomedical imaging research to address the major public health of age-related bone modifications, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Bridal earned a B.S. degree […]
Enrico Grisan
Enrico Grisan (M ’08, SM ’18) is Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University (UK) and Assistant Professor at the University of Padova (Italy). Dr. Grisan received a MSc in Electrical Engineering from University of Padova, and a PhD in biomedical engineering jointly from City University London and University of Padova. His research interests include […]
Elsa Angelini
Elsa D. Angelini (IEEE SM’12) is an Associate Professor at Telecom Paris (France) in the Dpt of Image-Data-Signal and co-lead of the ITMAT Data Science Group within the Faculy of Medicine at Imperial College London (UK), funded by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre. She is also an adjunct researcher and co-director of the Heffner […]
Daniel Stevens
Christine Demore
Georg Schmitz
Mengxing Tang
Meng-Xing Tang is a Professor and Chair of Biomedical Imaging with the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London. He joined Imperial in 2006 as a Lecturer / Assistant Professor after spending four years at the Oxford University Medical Vision Laboratory as a postdoc researcher. He founded the Imperial Ultrasound Laboratory for Imaging and Sensing (ULIS). […]
Jan Brown
Piero Tortoli
Piero Tortoli is Professor of Electronics at the University of Florence, Italy, where he leads the Microelectronics Systems Design Laboratory. His research interests include the development of open ultrasound research systems and novel imaging/Doppler methods. On these topics, he has authored more than 300 papers. Professor Tortoli is a Fellow of IEEE and AIMBE, “Docteur […]