Amelie Hagelauer
Amelie Hagelauer received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in mechatronics and the Dr.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, in 2007 and 2013, respectively. In November 2007, she joined the FAU Institute for Electronics Engineering, where she researched on BAW resonators and filters towards her Ph.D. degree. Since 2013, she has been focusing on […]
Alessandro Savoia
Omer Oralkan
Ömer Oralkan received the B.S. degree from Bilkent University, Turkey, in 1995, the M.S. degree from Clemson University, SC, USA, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree from Stanford University, CA, USA, in 2004, all in electrical engineering. He is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State University. He works on developing devices […]
Shuji Tanaka
Prof. Shuji Tanaka received B.E., M.E. and Dr.E. degrees in mechanical engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1994, 1996 and 1999, respectively. He was a Research Associate at Department of Mechatronics and Precision Engineering, Tohoku University from 1999 to 2001, an Assistant Professor from 2001 to 2003, and an Associate Professor at Department of […]
Dave Feld
David A. Feld was born in Cambridge, MA, in 1964. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University, New York, NY, in 1986, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, in 1993. He was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory, where he […]
Yook-Kong Yong
Yook-Kong Yong is professor at Rutgers University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New Jersey, U.S.A. He received the B.S. degree in civil engineering (1979) from Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., the M.A. (1981) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees in structures/mechanics from Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. He is a registered Professional Engineer in New […]
Erdal Oruklu
Erdal Oruklu (IEEE Senior Member) received his B.S. degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey in 1995, his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1999, and his Ph. D. degree in Computer Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois in 2005. He joined the […]
Kui Yao
Kui YAO received his bachelor degree in electronics engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, master degree in technical physics from Xidian University, and Ph.D. in electronic materials and devices from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He has been a Principal Scientist since 2013, in Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology, and […]
Lori Bridal
Lori Bridal is a Research Director in the French National Research Center (CNRS) and the Director of the Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging (Sorbonne University, Inserm & CNRS) in Paris, France developing biomedical imaging research to address the major public health of age-related bone modifications, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Bridal earned a B.S. degree […]
Enrico Grisan
Enrico Grisan (M ’08, SM ’18) is Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University (UK) and Assistant Professor at the University of Padova (Italy). Dr. Grisan received a MSc in Electrical Engineering from University of Padova, and a PhD in biomedical engineering jointly from City University London and University of Padova. His research interests include […]